Youth Reading

Come hear today’s latest up-and-coming writers. How are these young writers drawing inspiration and responding to a world that is progressively changing? What occupies their minds? What futures do they envision? Join us for this evening featuring readings from seven diverse and distinctive voices, ranging from high school to university students. Featuring Kathy Mak, Raquel Milosavljevic, Golsa Golestaneh, Zainab Osman, Jenny Sun, Bianca Galvin, Kai Sjerven, and Neko Smart. Hosted by Isabella Wang.

Event Type: Reading
Event Code: MAS/MON-1
Venue: Massy Books
Date: Monday, March 9, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Cost: Pay What You Can (recommended: $12.50)
ASL Interpretation Available by Request Before February 15, 2020

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Elliot Scott-Bigsby is a Victoria based poet who uses poetry as a means of connecting difficulties in life with art.

Golsa Golestaneh is a young woman of colour, a former refugee and current political science student at SFU who loves using her lived experiences in her writing and education.

Isabella Wang is the author of On Forgetting a Language (Baseline Press 2019). She is an assistant editor with Room magazine.

Jenny Sun lives in Surrey, BC. She is a grade 12 student at L.A. Matheson. She enjoys writing poetry and walking in the park in her free time.

Kathy Mak is an emerging writer based in Vancouver, British Columbia. She writes poetry and creative nonfiction. Visit her website:

Neko Smart is the current City of Victoria Youth Poet Laureate. Poetry as a means of creative expression enables her to process the world through the lens of her anxiety disorder.

Raquel Milosavljevic is from Vancouver, BC and recently graduated from Simon Fraser University. She writes poetry and fiction and is currently working on her first novel. 

Zainab Osman is a senior student at L.A. Matheson Secondary. She is a curious individual, passionate about her work, and an aspiring changemaker.