Ways to support the festival

Sponsor the festival. You can find our sponsorship package and advertising guide here.

Make a donation when you register. The majority of panels and readings at Growing Room are by-donation or free to attend. By choosing to donate when you register, you are helping us secure the future of the festival—helping us to reimburse authors fairly, bring in writers from out of town, and cover venue and staffing costs while keeping the festival financially and physically accessible.

If you donate $40 or more when you register for a single event (tip: if you register for multiple events, make your entire donation on one event instead of spreading it out—this makes it easier for us to process your subscription and reduces the number of processing fees), you will receive a one-year subscription to Room Magazine, starting with our June 2020 issue.

Not sure if you want to donate?
Register for free and you’ll have the opportunity to donate to Room or buy a subscription after each of your events.

Subscribe. Subscribe to receive Room, Canada’s oldest feminist literary journal in your mailbox each quarter! Each beautiful issue includes fiction, poetry, essays, art, interviews, and reviews from emerging and established women (cis and trans), trans men, Two-Spirit, and non-binary writers. Learn more at roommagazine.com/subscribe or visit one of our tables after your event.

Check out one of our book sales tables. Books by festival authors, Room merchandise, back issues, subscriptions, and more will be available for sale at merchandise tables at each venue after your event.

On behalf of Room, thank you for your ongoing support. We wouldn’t be here without readers like you.