Native Education College Full Accessibility Audit

This audit was done by Heather McCain at Creating Accessible Neighbourhoods.


The Native Education College is close to transit, the closest routes are the 8 and 19.

There is no designated accessible parking at the NEC.

The exterior routes are stable and firm and mostly in good condition with no roots, cracks, and/or tripping hazards.

There is free and pay parking close to the entrance.

The pay parking meters have controls at an accessible height and have an accessible clear floor area adjacent to it.

The pay parking meters do not have auditory and/or tactile information.

There are no bike racks.

Landscaping does not reduce accessibility or create barriers.

There are rest areas of benches and picnic tables around NEC. The seats do not meet the accessible standards for height. Several picnic tables require a step up.

The Native Education College has an accessible front entrance (large courtyard). The rear entrance (benches) does not have a level threshold.

The flooring of the foyer is bumpy and may be uncomfortable for those in mobility aids. The workshop flooring is smooth.

This venue lacks tactile and/or auditory features.

The foyer has a fire pit that, when used, can make the facility quite warm.

The foyer seating are benches without backs at an accessible height, some benches require stairs, including the seating that allows people to utilize the wall as a backrest. There is no available space adjacent to these benches that is off the path of travel for people in mobility aids.

There are tables and cushioned chairs adjacent to the foyer, both these chairs and tables are at an accessible height.

The interior paths of travel are accessible.

The festival spaces do not require stairs or ramps.

There are two small washrooms that are not accessible. 

There is an accessible washroom with appropriate transfer space. The washroom does not have an automatic door but the door is light. The locking mechanism requires pinching. There is a grab bar on the side wall but not on the rear wall.

Scent-reduced soap will be provided at venues.

Shared spaces will be scent reduced.

Fluorescent lighting is used in the workshop rooms.

There is good air quality.

Event organizers and volunteers will be present and are willing to assist event participants. They will have received anti-oppression training, including some disability awareness training.

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers will use microphones when talking to crowd.

Guide and service dogs are welcome

ASL available at venues by advanced request.

Easy to access grass or greenery for working dogs to relieve themselves

The evacuation route is the same for people with disabilities and mobility aids as everyone else.

Bus Stop

Bus stop near the main entrance: Main Street and E. 5th Avenue

Route or routes of closest bus stop: 8 and 19

Accessible stop with a concrete pad between road and sidewalk.

Transit platform is firm and stable.

There are no tactile direction indicators

The signage does not provide information in Braille or raised characters or by proximity-actuated audible signals

There are no sharp edges or corners on equipment such as poles or signs

There is a transit stop shelter and bench, neither obstruct the accessible route.

There is an accessible route from the transit stop to the entrance.

The route requires side streets.

Accessible curb ramps on bus stop route.

Passenger Pick-up/Drop-Off Area

No passenger pick-up/drop-off area.

Passenger Loading Zone

No passenger loading zone.

Designated Accessible Parking

No designated accessible parking.

Parking Ticket Machine

Requires a ticket machine to pay for parking

Not all parking requires a ticket machine to pay for parking. There is some that is $1 an hour on E. 5th.

A clear, level floor area of at least 750 × 1200 mm shall be provided adjacent to operating controls

The centreline is located higher than the standard 400 to 1200 mm from the floor.

Pay parking can be paid for by phone and/or online.

Control settings do not provide tactile and/or auditory information, indicating function and position of controls.

Information on visual displays is not supplemented by tactile and/or auditory information.

Bike Racks

There are no bike racks.

Exterior Routes

Exterior pathways mostly good.

Stable and firm.

Produce minimal glare.

Not heavily patterned.

Mostly good condition, no roots, cracks, tripping hazards.

Intersecting pathways blend at one common level.

Most of the manhole covers, drains, and gratings are placed outside the pedestrian pathway.

Have clear width of at least 1600 mm or where adjacent to curb ramp, at least 1350mm.

Curb ramps stable and firm.

No marked crosswalks.

Curb ramps do not have tactile attention indicator.

Curb ramps have a turning space at least 1350 x 1350 mm at the top of a curb ramp level with the pedestrian route.

Parking meters are the only street furniture and are off the accessible path of travel.

No Exterior Stairs

No Exterior Ramps

Rest Areas

There are picnic tables as well as benches outside the Native Education College.

None of the picnic tables are accessible picnic benches with an extended leaf for people in mobility aids.

Located adjacent to accessible route.

Rest areas have level and firm surface.

Picnic tables closest to the street pay parking do not have level access, it is made inaccessible by a step up to the picnic bench level.

All rest area seating is without backs or arms.

The benches near the rear entrance are higher than the standard of seat heights being between 430 and 485 mm from floor.

The benches near the rear entrance have a dip down between the end of the concrete and the surface on which the benches are on.

The picnic tables are lower than the standard of seat heights being between 430 and 485 mm from floor.

Some of the picnic benches can be shaded by trees.


No protruding objects that create a hazard or reduce accessibility.

Edges of planting beds adjacent to accessible routes clearly defined by texture and colour-contrast from their surroundings.

Vegetation adjacent to accessible route has no thorns or sharp edges.

There are no plantings that drop large seed-pods overhanging or close-by.

Landscaping is not poisonous.

There are no tree branches or shrubs that protrude or create a hazard.


The rear entrance has a threshold above the standard of 13 mm high. The rear entrance is the entrance with two benches for seating near the door. The front entrance has a large courtyard and has a threshold that meets the standard.

The door meets the older door width of 810 mm but not the updated door width of 850 mm.

Lip on back entrance 40 mm.

Stable main seating adjacent to an accessible route with level and firm surface.

Uneven flooring in main foyer is bumpy for mobility aid users.

Stable main seating (benches) adjacent to an accessible route with level and firm surface.

No seating for clear adjacent space for people in mobility devices, those with mobility aids will block aisles.

Main seating has no arm rests, no back rests (some of the seating can utilize walls as back rest but this seating requires stair access).

Main seating is at an accessible height.

A seating space for persons using a wheeled mobility device provided at tables but without clear floor area or adequate manoeuvring space to approach it.

Adjacent to accessible route.

Interior has furniture in path of travel.

Water cooler off path of travel and at accessible height

Cushioned chairs are available at tables. These chairs are at an accessible height.

The tables are at an accessible height.


Exterior doorways, workshop doorway, and accessible washroom doorway met 810 except for men’s and women’s washroom doors.

Level manoeuvring area on the push and pull sides of a door.

Route well lit.

Interior Stairs

There are stairs but they will not be used for the festival.


The door to the workshop is 810 mm.

The chairs have seat cushions.

The chairs are at an accessible height.

The flooring is smooth in the workshop rooms.

There is fluorescent lighting.


Adequate lighting.

Fluorescent lighting in workshop.

Fire can heat up main room.

WIFI used.

Good air quality.

No disorienting sounds like echoes.

Event Organizers and Volunteers

Event organizers and volunteers will be present and are willing to assist event participants.

Event volunteers have received anti-oppression training that included disability awareness information.

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers will use microphones when talking to crowd

Smoking Area

The smoking area is well away from doors and windows.

The smoking area is accessible to people with mobility aids.

Working Animals

Guide and service dogs are welcome

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers are trained in how to approach people with service animals

Easy to access grass or greenery for working dogs to relieve themselves

Water for working animals

Environmental Sensitivities and Scent Policies

Scent-reduced soap will be provided at venues.

Shared spaces will be scent reduced.

The venue does not have a scent-reduced policy

Washrooms with Stalls

The washrooms that are not accessible do not indicate the location of the nearest accessible washroom.

Width of doors for washrooms #1 and #2 are significantly smaller than the CSA standard of 850 mm.

The interior of the #1 and #2 washrooms do not have an accessible clear floor area.

There are no change tables in any washroom.

Washroom #2

Floor is stable and firm,

No clear floor space in men’s washroom.

Sink, soap, hand towels, and dryer are all higher than standards.

Toilets are lower than standards.

Stalls are adequate for larger bodies.

There are no spring-activated seats.

Sinks do not require the application of continuous force to maintain water flow.


Urinal high, not accessible.

Clear space of at least 800 mm wide x 1350 mm deep.

Urinal flush controls too high.
Flush controls operable with one hand, using a closed fist position or another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.

There are no urinal grab bars.

There is no centreline indicator.

Washroom #1

Floor is stable and firm,

Doors swing in.

Tampon high and empty.

No spring-activated seat.

Stalls are adequate for larger bodies.

Controls of toilet operable with closed fist or another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of wrist.

The sink does not require the application of continuous force to maintain water flow

Dryer and towel are too high.

Soap is at an appropriate height.

Sink controls require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of wrist.

Universal Washrooms

The door to a universal washroom has a clear opening width of 810 mm.

The door is light.

Locking mechanism requires pinching.

Floor is stable and firm.

The washroom does not have a clear space of 1700 x 1700.

Toilet meets the standard for height.  

Clear transfer space.

No spring-activated seat.

There is no emergency call system available.

There is no shelf.

The coat hook is higher than the accessible standard.

The sink height meets the standard.

The faucets do not require the application of continuous force to maintain water flow.

Faucets are operable with closed fist or another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of wrist.

There is an accessible knee clearance in front of sink.

Soap is placed lower than the standard.

Toilet paper high.

Soap and toilet paper usable with one hand.

Grab bars are not slip resistant (smooth).

Grab bars are only located on the side, there are no grab bars on the back.

Grab bar mounted on the side wall closest to the toilet, stable, doesn’t rotate with use, and securely attached.

Grab bar and adjacent surfaces are free of any sharp or abrasive elements.

Universal washroom is not equipped with emergency call system.

Accessible Egress Route

The evacuation route is the same for people with disabilities and mobility aids as everyone else.