Emily Carr University Venue and Accessibility Information


Emily Carr University of Art + Design is close to transit, the closest route is the #84, there are bus stops on E. 1st.

Transit stops on the same side of the street as the university has bike lanes between the bus stops and the sidewalk.

There is metered street parking, a public parking lot, and an underground parking lot. Parking map is available on website at https://www.ecuad.ca/assets/pdf-attachments/ECU-Parking2019.pdf

Bike racks located at the Northeast and Southwest entrances. There are enclosed, covered bike cages located at the east and west sides of the campus, and bike lockers at the north side of the campus. Showers and change rooms are on the ground floor, with day use lockers available.

Bike racks are available at the East entrance.

Parking on 2nd Street is parallel parking is separated from sidewalk with grass, no accessible pathway for drivers and passengers with mobility aids.

Designated accessible parking spaces marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility.

Street parking ticket machines are at the appropriate height with controls that are operable with one hand without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.

Street furniture does not obstruct any part of an accessible route or create hazards.

Landscaping does not have any protruding objects that create a hazard or reduce accessibility.

Exterior route in good condition.

The entrance near the Equinox Gallery has several problems for people with mobility aids and/or agility issues. There is a sudden slope near the door and while the doors have automatic openers, they are quite a distance from the doors. This may make it difficult for some people to push the button and get to the door in time to get through. This entrance is a double door entrance and both have buttons far from the door. Other entrances have only one set of doors to get through and may provide easier access.

The flooring at the entrance near the Equinox Gallery has a glare and fluorescent lights.

Exterior and interior ramps and stairs have handrails on both sides that are strong, not wobbly, and at an accessible height.

This venue has some tactile information and cues.

Fluorescent lighting is used in the venue.

WIFI used.

Lights in rooms can be dimmed.

There is no clear signage for to accessible entrances, exits, and key features.

Interior ramps are adjacent to stairs.

The universal washroom on the second floor, near the café, is stark, white, and has fluorescent lighting. There is also an echo.

The accessible toilet stall door in the universal washroom on the second floor, near the café, is not aligned with the transfer space adjacent to the toilet.

Accessible routes are the same route used by all (universal) and are hazard and barrier free.

There is not clear signage for accessible features, washrooms, and secondary features.

There are rest areas throughout the venue with a mix of seats: privacy chairs, chairs with cushions, chairs with hard bottoms, chair with and without wheels. The majority of this seating is at the accessible height. 

Drinking fountains have function that fills water bottles.

Event volunteers have received anti-oppression training that included disability awareness information.

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers will use microphones when talking to crowd.

Quiet space that is wheelchair accessible is available with stim toys and colouring books. Quiet space is scent-reduced. Signage explains how to access quiet space.

Guide and service dogs are welcome.

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers are trained in how to approach people with service animals.

It is easy to access grass or greenery for working dogs to relieve themselves.

ASL available at venues by advanced request.

There are elevators that serve all publicly accessible floors and facilities.

Universal washroom on main floor across from Café.

The signs for this washroom are mounted on the outside wall of the washroom, colour contrasted and include Braille and tactile. The sign says the washroom is accessible but only one half of the washroom is accessible. The left side of the washroom is narrow and inaccessible, the right side is wide and accessible, there is no signage to indicate this.

The signs do not mention being inclusive to trans folk even though it is all genders.

The universal washroom on the second floor is stark, white, and has fluorescent lighting. There is also an echo.

The accessible stall in the universal washroom on the main floor has a clear transfer space that meets the accessibility standards for length but is just under the accessible standard of 900 mm by a 50 mm difference.

The grab bars are slip-resistant, do not rotate within their fittings, and are securely attached.

For the urinal in the universal washroom on the main floor, there is a clear floor area in front of the urinal that is adjacent to an accessible route and centred on the urinal and exceeds the accessibility measurement. The urinal, however, is higher than the accessibility standard.

The urinal grab bars are slip-resistant, do not rotate within their fittings, are the right length, and are mounted vertically on the back wall at each side of the urinal.

A viewing space for a person using a wheeled mobility device is on a clear and level surface.

The viewing space adjoins the accessible circulation routes adjacent to a means of egress, is an integral part of the seating plan, and is located adjacent to other seating.

The theatre seats are lower than the accessible height.

The gallery space has fluorescent lights that are extremely bright and will be problematic to people who have sensory issues, signage in advance should be posted. There is an adjacent outside space in which people can step out into for a rest from the light.

The outside space, adjacent to the gallery, has a bench with a backrest and armrest that is below the accessible height.

Bus Stop

Emily Carr University of Art + Design is close to transit, the closest route is the #84, there are bus stops on E. 1st. The school is between the Main Street-Science World station on the Expo Line, and the VCC Clark on the Millennium Line, both are approximately a fifteen minute walk from the campus.

Accessible stop with a concrete pad between road and sidewalk.

Transit platforms are firm and stable.

No tactile on stop pole.

No tactile direction indicators.

Signage provides information visually but in braille or raised characters or by proximity-actuated audible signals.

No sharp edges or corners on equipment such as poles or signs.

No detectable warning surfaces, truncated domes or cut lines.

Transit shelters and/or benches at some stops.

Accessible route from the transit stop to the entrance.

Route is quick and direct.

University is visible from the bus stops.

Route requires crossing street if you traveled eastbound to university.

Transit stops on the same side of the street as the university have bike lanes between the bus stops and the sidewalk.

Transit stop shelter, bench, or both.

Equipment, shelter included, at transit stop does not obstruct accessible route.

Accessible curb ramps on bus stop route.

Curb ramps lead into safe crossing area designated for pedestrians.

Passenger Pick-up/Drop-Off Area

No passenger pick-up/drop-off area.

Shortest accessible route to building or facility entrance (accessible route sheltered)

Seating near the drop-off area.

Pick-up area height clearance at least 3000 and identified by sign.

Well lit.

Have side access aisle adjacent and parallel to accessible route that is at least 1500 mm wide and 7000 mm long.

Have access aisle separated from walkway by curb with a curb ramp or where there is no curb, by a tactile attention indicator.

Passenger Loading Zone

No passenger loading zone.

Designated Accessible Parking

There is metered street parking, a public parking lot, and an underground parking lot. Parking map is available on website at https://www.ecuad.ca/assets/pdf-attachments/ECU-Parking2019.pdf

The following is for the parking lot adjacent to the Equinox Gallery:

5 designated accessible parkingspaces marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility.

Level, stable, and firm.

Vertical signs have the International Symbol of Accessibility.

Accessible parking spaces shall have the International Symbol of Accessibility, painted on the ground in the centre of the stall.

Accessible parking spaces have ISOA that is colour-contrasted with background pavement.

Have adjacent access aisle, width is half of the accessibility standard.

No posts or barriers in the access aisles.

Parking on 2nd Street is parallel parking is separated from sidewalk with grass, no accessible pathway for drivers and passengers with mobility aids.

Parking Ticket Machine

Street parking requires a ticket machine to pay for parking.

A clear, level floor area of at least 750 × 1200 mm shall be provided adjacent to operating controls.

The centreline of the operating controls shall be located 400 to 1200 mm from the floor.

Operation controls operable with one hand without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.

Control settings do not provide tactile and/or auditory information.

Information on visual displays is not supplemented by tactile and/or auditory information.

Information on visual displays is colour-contrasted.

Bike Racks

Bike racks located at the Northeast and Southwest entrances. There are enclosed, covered bike cages located at the east and west sides of the campus, and bike lockers at the north side of the campus. Showers and change rooms are on the ground floor, with day use lockers available.

Bike racks are available at the East entrance.

Bike racks are colour contrasted with surrounding.

Pedestrian Crossing

This curb ramp was adjacent to the Equinox Gallery:

Surface of a curb ramp shall be stable and firm.

No tactile attention indicators.

There is a turning space at least 1350 x 1350 mm at the top of a curb ramp level with the pedestrian route.

At the pedestriancrosswalk, curb ramps lead people directly into the crossing area designated for pedestrian use.

Pedestrian crosswalks are aligned with the curb ramp at the opposite side of the crossing.

Exterior Routes

Not heavily patterned, produce minimal glare, and are stable and firm.

Good condition, no roots, cracks, tripping hazards.

There is a sudden slope to the door at the entrance across from the Equinox Gallery.

Intersecting pathways blend at one common level.

Path of travel does not include detectable guiding strips or natural guide-lines to help identify path of travel.

The front entrance has strips of black brick among grey, this was a lost opportunity to use these as directional cues.

Pedestrian route well drained to prevent the accumulation of ice and water.

Pedestrian route does not allow water from building down-spouts or other drainage systems to flow across it.

An accessible route shared with other users, such as cyclists, in-line skaters, etc.  is not delineated or separated from these activities by bollards or other physical means.

Protruding Objects

No protruding objects along exterior route.

Rest Areas

Rest areas adjacent to the accessible route.

Rest areas has a level and firm surface.

Public seats/benches have seat height between 430 and 485 mm from floor

Where there is more than one, provide a mix of options.

Street Furniture

Street furniture does not obstruct any part of an accessible route or create hazards.

Where pedestrian use or interaction is intended, be adjacent or connected to the accessible pedestrian route.

There is an amenity zone where urban furniture and equipment is provide does not reduce the clear width of the accessible route.

It does not have a surface texture-and-colour-contrasted with the surrounding area.

Parking Meters, Newspaper Dispensers, Mail/Courier Boxes

Securely fixed to ground, post, or wall.

Have the ground surface firm and stable.

Be cane-detectable to the ground (685 mm).

Be colour-contrasted with their surroundings.

Waste receptacles, recycling bins, ashtrays

Be located adjacent or connected to accessible route.

Be securely fastened to ground, post, or wall.

Have the opening or lid not higher than 1060 mm from the ground.

Have a clear ground area of at least 800 x 1350 mm at the opening or lid.

Be cane-detectable to the ground (685 mm).

Be colour-contrasted with the surroundings.


Landscaping does not have any protruding objects that create a hazard or reduce accessibility.

Edges of planting beds adjacent to accessible routes clearly defined colour-contrast from their surroundings.

Vegetation adjacent to accessible route has no thorns or sharp edges.

There are no plantings that drop large seed-pods overhanging or close-by.

Landscaping is not poisonous.

Exterior Ramps

Level landings at top and bottom.

Surface is firm and stable.

The following is for the ramp at the front entrance:

Handrails on both sides and free of any sharp or abrasive elements.

Handrails have a continuous gripping surface, without obstructions that interrupt a hand hold.

Handrails are continuous on the ramp and around landings.

Handrails have a height between 860-920mm.

Exterior Stairs

There are stairs at the front entrance.

Stairs are a uniform height and depth.

Stairs have risers not more than 180mm high and treads not less than 280 mm deep.

The stairs have no open risers.

Handrails are provided for stairs and installed on both sides.

Handrails are strong and not wobbly.

Handrails are of uniform height, from 860 to 920 mm.

At bottom of the stairs, handrails continue to slope for a distance equal to the depth of one tread and then extend at least 300 mm parallel to the floor surface.

The handrails have the rail extension return to the post, floor, or wall.

Handrails are free of any sharp or abrasive elements.


Doors have a clear accessible width.

Doors near Equinox Gallery and parking are very heavy doors.

The doors near the Equinox Gallery have accessible buttons not on the accessible path but to the side of the path, 1900 mm away from the door. The controls are not clearly visible before reaching the door. This may make it difficult for some people to push the button and get to the door in time to get through. This entrance is a double door entrance and both have buttons far from the door. Other entrances have only one set of doors to get through and may provide easier access.

Level manoeuvring area on the push and pull sides of a door.

Operating controls adjacent to or centred on, an accessible space.

Centreline between 400 and 1200 mm from floor.

Controls operable with closed fist or another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of wrist


The clear width of accessible routes is at least 1000 mm with the exception of doorways.

Accessible routes do not have a running slope exceeding the ratio 1:20 (5%).

Accessible routes are the same route used by all (universal).

The flooring at the entrance near the Equinox Gallery has a glare and fluorescent lights.

Routes are hazard and barrier free.

There is no clear signage for to accessible entrances, exits, and key features.

There are no clear signs to accessible washrooms.

There are some clear signs to secondary features.

Routes are well lit.

Accessible routes have walking surfaces that are stable and do not have strong visual patterning.

The accessible routes do have sections of flooring that has glare.

Interior Ramps

The interior ramp audited is the one required for the author green room.

The ramp is near the stairs.

Location is easy to find.

Ramp and landing surfaces are stable, firm, and not heavily patterned.

Interior ramp has tactile indicator to warn of the slope at the top and bottom of ramp.

The handrails do not have colour contrast.

The ramp is smooth.

Interior Stairs                                                                  

Stairs from the first to second floor, entrance on 1st floor near the Equinox Gallery.

Stairs are a uniform height and depth.

Have risers not more than 180mm high and have treads not less than 280 mm deep.

Have no open risers.

There is a bit of a glare on the interior stairs near the theatre entrance on the lower floor.

Have a horizontal strip at the edge of the tread that extends the full width of the tread.

Handrails are provided for stairs and installed on both sides of the stairs.

Handrails are strong and not wobbly.

At the top of the stairs, extend at least 300 mm parallel to the floor surface.

At bottom of the stairs, continue to slope for a distance equal to the depth of one tread and then extend at least 300 mm parallel to the floor surface.

Have the rail extension return to the post, floor, or wall.

Be free of any sharp or abrasive elements;

Have a continuous gripping surface, without interruption by newel posts or other construction elements or obstructions that interrupt a hand hold.

Drinking Fountains

Drinking Fountains have two heights, the lower height meets the accessible standard.

Spout located at the front of the unit.

Controls are not foot-operated.

Controls allow user to control the timing and water delivery height.

Controls are hand operated.

Clear floor area of at least 800 × 1350mm in front of the unit.

Colour-contrasted with their background.

Have a knee clearance between the bottom of the apron and the floor that meets the standards for width and height but is less than the accessible depth.

Of the two side-by-side fountains, one is cane detectable, the other is not, both are out of the path of travel.

Also has feature for filling water bottle.

Rest Area Seating

There are rest areas throughout the venue.

There are privacy chairs, chairs with cushions, chairs with hard bottoms, chair with and without wheels.

Some rest areas have an accessible amount of clear floor space, others have the seating too close to other amenities.

There is typically adequate manoeuvring space to approach the rest areas.

Benches and seats are stable.

The majority of seating is at the accessible height.  

The rest areas provide a mix of options (i.e. some with back rests, with armrests, with both).

Information Desk on Main Floor

The information desk on the main floor is at an accessible height. The chairs near the information desk are at an accessible height but the couch is lower than the accessible height.


There were two tables of differing heights near the main floor café. The lower table is at an accessible height and the chairs are of an accessible height. The higher tables and their stools are not within accessible height standards.

The rest areas are located adjacent to an accessible route and have a level and firm surface.

Seats are stable

The manoeuvring space in between the seating (adjacent to the café) is not accessible. Tables will need to be shifted to create space between tables. The exterior path is not accessible either because of table and chair spacing.


Overall space is not easy to understand. Wayfinding is not intuitive.

Additional signage will be placed throughout the venue.

No excessive noise that affects ability to enjoy facility.

Adequate lighting.

Fluorescent lighting is used in the venue.

Lights in rooms can be dimmed.

WIFI used.

Good air quality.

Information is not easy to access; venue needs more signage.

Minimized noise distraction.

Event volunteers have received anti-oppression training that included disability awareness information.

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers will use microphones when talking to crowd.

Quieter Space

Quieter space available with stim toys and colouring books.

Quieter space available that is wheelchair accessible.

Quieter space is scent-reduced or scent-free

Working Animals

Guide and service dogs are welcome.

Event staff, volunteers, and organizers are trained in how to approach people with service animals.

There are no other animals in this space.

Water will be provided for working animals.

It is easy to access grass or greenery for working dogs to relieve themselves.

Environmental Sensitivities and Scent Policies

Scent-reduced soap will be provided at venues.

Shared spaces will be scent-reduced.

The venue does not have a scent-reduced policy.

Facility, including washrooms, is air-freshener free.

Construction, furnishing, or decorative materials do not give off gases that affect the quality of indoor air.

Venue has rooms used as art studios so there may be smells from artists working with ceramics, paints, and other art materials.


ASL available at venues by advanced request.


There are elevators that serve all publicly accessible floors and facilities.

There are two elevators beside one another but one is recessed, depending on where you are standing you may not have a full view of both elevators and be able to see if the recessed elevator responded to a call. There is no auditory cue to indicate which elevator has doors open.

The cab size of the elevators is not at least 2000 x 2000 mm, it is 2000 mm x 1670 mm.

Elevator doors reopen automatically if obstructed.

The elevator doors do not hold for the accessibility standard of a minimum of 20 seconds.

The floor surfaces are firm, stable, and skid-resistant that permit easy movement of mobility aids.

Handrails are provided on all elevator walls without doors, at a height of 800-920 mm from the floor, with a space of 35-45 mm between the handrail and the wall.

A clear floor space of a minimum of 760 × 1220mm is provided at hall buttons.

The elevator is well lit.

Call (inside) buttons are at the appropriate height.

Emergency control buttons have their centrelines just above the maximum height of 890 mm.

The emergency controls, including the emergency alarm, are grouped at the bottom of the control panel.

Panel controls feature Braille and raised characters.

Elevators cabs do not incorporate audible and visible signals to indicate the car floor position.

Audible and visual signals are not provided in elevator lobbies to indicate which car is answering a call and its direction of travel.

The area around the elevator is well lit.

The interior of the elevator is very grey.

Universal Washroom, Main Floor, Near Café

Universal washroom on main floor across from Café.

The signs for this washroom are mounted on the outside wall of the washroom, colour contrasted and include Braille and tactile.

There is a small sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility, it is colour contrasted but not in the official blue colour of the International Symbol of Accessibility.

The sign says the washroom is accessible but only one half of the washroom is accessible. The left side of the washroom is narrow and inaccessible, the right side is wide and accessible, there is no signage to indicate this.

The signs do not mention being inclusive to trans folk even though it is all genders.

There are no change tables.

Doors have a clear, accessible width.

Floor is stable and firm, produces minimal glare, and does not have strong visual patterning.

The universal washroom on the second floor is stark, white, and has fluorescent lighting. There is also an echo.

The sink is at an appropriate, accessible height.

The sink has the proper, accessible height.

There is a clear floor area, centred on the lavatory, at least 800 x 1350 mm.

Faucets operable with closed fist or another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of wrist.

Control devices do not have tactile and/or auditory information for function, position, and confirmation of activation

Operating controls colour-contrasted with background

Not require the application of continuous force to maintain water flow

The water is metered and provides water at a third of the accessible criteria.

The mirror is mounted with its bottom edge not more than 1000mm from the floor.

The soap dispenser is higher than the accessibility standard.

The soap dispenser is operable using one hand to dispense soap on the palm of that hand.

The tampon dispenser is too high.

The towel dispenser and/or or hand-dryer, adjacent to the accessible lavatory, is higher than the accessible standard

The towel dispenser and/or or hand-dryer is operable with one hand to dispense towels or activate hand dryer.

Accessible Stall in Universal Washroom

The accessible toilet stall door is not aligned with the transfer space adjacent to the toilet.

The door does not have a “D” -type door pull at least 140 mm long, mounted horizontally on the inside of an out-swinging door.

The stall door is self-closing and latched from the inside by a device that is operable with one hand, using a closed fist position or another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.

The toilet is at an accessible height and has a back support.

The toilet is not spring-activated.

There is a clear transfer space that meets the accessibility standards for length but is just under the accessible standard of 900 mm by a 50 mm difference.

Flush controls are automatically activated.

The grab bars are slip-resistant, do not rotate within their fittings, and are securely attached.

The grab bar and adjacent surfaces are free of any sharp or abrasive elements.

There is be one L-shaped grab bar that is mounted on the side wall closest to the toilet.

There is a horizontal grab bar that is mounted on the rear wall, centered over the toilet and mounted at the same height as the grab bar on the side wall.  

The toilet paper dispenser is higher than the accessibility standard.

There is a hook on a side wall mounted at the appropriate height and not projecting more than 40mm from the wall.


The urinal is hung on the wall in a stall.

The urinal is higher than the accessible standard.

There is a clear floor area in front of the urinal that is adjacent to an accessible route and centred on the urinal and exceeds the accessibility measurement.

Flush controls are automatically operated.

The urinal grab bars are slip-resistant, do not rotate within their fittings, are at least 600 mm long, and are mounted vertically on the back wall at each side of the urinal.

The urinal grab bars are colour-contrasted with the back wall.

The urinal does not have a centreline indicator.

Rennie Hall

Signage has braille and tactile.

The lighting is variable and can be dimmed.

There is some natural light on one side of the room.

There is an echo.

The chairs and tables are both at an accessible height.

There is a mix of chairs, some with wheels, some without wheels, some with no arm rests. All chairs have backs.

Reliance Theatre

The lights in the theatre are variable.

The theatre seats are padded and have a half desk that can swing up.

The theatre seats are lower than the accessible height.

There are orange chairs on the stage that are at an accessible height.

Stage has ramp with no handrails.

Stairs to stage are open risers, do not meet the accessible standards for tread and riser, and have wobbly, unstable handrails.

The stair has a handrail on one side.

There are cut lines in the stairs but they are not colour contrasted.

Seating has armrests/bookrest on one side that can be put up and down.

Viewing Spaces

A viewing space for a person using a wheeled mobility device is on a clear and level surface.

The viewing space adjoins the accessible circulation routes adjacent to a means of egress, is an integral part of the seating plan, and is located adjacent to other seating.

A viewing space for a person using a wheeled mobility device shall provide line of sight that is comparable to those for all viewing positions and is not reduced or obstructed by standing members of the audience.

Located adjoining a barrier-free path of travel without infringing on egress from any role of seating or any aisle requirements. The accessible space on the first floor is limited in size, and depending on the size of the mobility aid, there may be an infringement on the space of those in the first row of seats.

Board Room (author green room)

Seats are at an accessible height.

Seats are on wheels, have armrests and back support.

Seats are adjustable.

The pathway to the board room has an unmarked gap on the side, under the glass protector, that blends in and should be marked as a hazard, particularly if the pathway is busy and people are walking side by side.

Gallery Space

The gallery space has fluorescent lights that are extremely bright and will be problematic to people who have sensory issues, signage in advance should be posted. There is an adjacent outside space in which people can step out into for a rest from the light (provided the door is unlocked from the outside as we were locked out when we exited during our walkabout).

The outside space, adjacent to the gallery, has a bench with a backrest and armrest that is below the accessible height.